In this section you can find the books and journals that we used to inform some of our sections. We have also included some links to podcasts and other projects in Bristol that you may find interesting/educational.
Colonial Bristol
Dresser, M. (2009). Remembering slavery and abolition in Bristol. Slavery and Abolition, 30(2), 223-246.
Jones, P. (2007). Satan's Kingdom: Bristol and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Past & Present Press.
Moody, J. (2018). Remembering the imperial context of emancipation commemoration in the former British slave-port cities of Bristol and Liverpool, 1933–1934. Slavery & Abolition, 39(1), 169-189.
Olusoga, D. (2016). Black and British: A forgotten history. Pan Macmillan.
World Wars
Ambrose, Stephen E. (1997). D-Day. London: Pocket Books. p. 148. ISBN 978-0-7434-4974-8.
Olusoga, D. (2014). The World's War. Head of Zeus.
MacInnes, C. M. (1962). Bristol at war. Museum Press.
Smith, G. (1999). When Jim Crow Met John Bull. St. Martin's Press.
Wynn, Neil A. (2006). "'Race War': Black American GIs and West Indians in Britain During The Second World War". Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora. 24 (3): 324–346. doi:10.1080/02619280701337146. ISSN 0261-9288.
*We would like to thank Paul Townsend for his information on the "Little Theatre" Tea section.
The Bus Boycott
Dresser, M. (1986). Black and white on the buses: The 1963 colour bar dispute in Bristol. Bristol: Bristol Broadsides.
Clement, Matt. "Bristol:‘Civilising’the inner city." Race & Class 48, no. 4 (2007): 97-105.
Mansour, C. (2014). The Cross-National Diffusion of the American Civil Rights Movement: The Example of the Bristol Bus Boycott of 1963. Miranda. Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone/Multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal on the English-speaking world, (10).
MIZEN, S. (2013). The great British civil rights scandal: The Bristol bus boycott.
Whitburn, R., & Yemoh, S. (2012). 'My people struggled too': hidden histories and heroism-a school-designed, post-14 course on multi-cultural Britain since 1945. Teaching History, (147), 16.
The St Pauls Riots
Ball, R. (2012). Violent urban disturbance in England 1980-81 (Doctoral dissertation, University of the West of England).
Ball, R. (2017). Subcultures, Schools and Rituals: A Case Study of the ‘Bristol Riots’(1980). In Youth Culture and Social Change (pp. 17-46). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Peplow, S. (2018). A Tactical Manoeuvre to Apply Pressure’: Race and the Role of Public Inquiries in the 1980 Bristol ‘Riot. Twentieth century British history, 29(1), 129-155.
Rodrigues, J. (1981). The riots of ‘81. Marxism Today, 25(10), 18-22.
The People Vs Colston
Nasar, S. (2020). Remembering Edward Colston: histories of slavery, memory, and black globality. Women's History Review, 1-8.
Burton, E., Dresser, M., Greenacre, F., & Otele, O. (2016). Talking Colston: memory, commemoration and Bristol's slave legacy.
Being Black (Sun Kissed Youth)
"Being Black" is a video series dedicated to exploring how some of Bristol's black community define and explain their blackness. This series includes professional basketball players, musicians, artists and mental health professionals.
"Charting African Resilience Generating Opportunities" is a project that fuses spoken word poetry, audio-visual artistry and sound design to tell stories about the often forgotten or left out examples of African resilience and leadership.
"It's A BAME's Life" is focussed on having conversations around the LGBTQ+ and BAME experience. Topics include mental health, activism and intersectionality.
DAVID OLUSOGA - James MacTaggart Lecture
Here is a fascinating lecture by David Olusoga who informed a lot of our sections on colonial Bristol and the World Wars.
Here is an amazing spoken word piece by hip hop pioneer Jonzi D. In this two minute clip he is talking about Colston Hall amongst many other things. This is nine years old and still very relevant today.
Melanin and The Mind is a resource dedicated to exploring the intracies of race, mental health and neurodiversity in the community.
Tavian's incredible insight to life and philosophy can be found on his blog.
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